Sunday, January 30, 2011

Busy Bee...

...well, I have been as busy as one, as of late and...I've been working on designs for one, too ^_^ Yeah, I'm talking about my sweet little Miele, the honeybee from my series "BELLA MARIPOSA". Yesterday I got up and started sketching. I was supposed to be working on "HYBRID: Gods and Demons" issue #2, but I couldn't summon my muse for it. I've been a little tired lately, but trying my best, behind the scenes.

Anyhoo, today I decided to add a little color to the images I worked on yesterday. This is Miele at the Bath. I had done one before of Mari and had the urge to do one of Miele as well. So, this is her enjoying a quiet moment at a little pool. This is also the first time I've illustrated any of the insect people with something that helps to show how tiny they are. The droplet of water helps to prove the point to that end.

OH! Since this was a soft, intimate scene, I muted Miele's colors a bit to help enhance the tone and all around feel of the piece. ^_~

Now, this one is actually NOT a bee, she's a butterfly and a character that I had drawn ages ago...but for some reason, simply never uploaded. I think I just plain forgot that I had drawn this ^^; Anyhoo, this is Acacia (tentatively...whenever I look at her, the name Sheena sticks to her and I keep calling her that. Sheena was supposed to be the name of the third butterfly, but we'll have to see, I guess.) Anyway, she's the daughter of the butterfly emperor and empress. But, because the rulers of the butterflies is elected, NOT born into the rule, Acacia has no official title as her parents do. She's just the daughter of the monarchs...and a lovely, dignified lady. She's also the only of the main characters to have a steady lover (TBA). They're expected to take each other to mate for life. So, with all that being said, here's Acacia!

OH! I should also mention that Acacia's wings are not shown in this illustration and that her colors are subject to change ^__~

OKAY! Lastly, I went back to Miele to really flush out her design. Mari is completely designed and ready to go, but Miele wasn't as polished. thing in particular that bothered me about her design was her wings. I wanted them to look like actual bee wings...not those cartoonish-generic-insect know, the short, round wings given to fl
ies and bees. So, after doing a bit of research, I came up with a design that I was satisfied with, at last! They may change slightly but for now, I'm happy with them like this. So, before I say "goodnight, folks!" here's Miele, once again but this time in her regular colors...AND in her uniform!

...I should also mention that this is a rough tablet sketch, so the anatomy isn't 100%. But, this is pretty close to how she'll appear in the comics. ^_^