Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Still Moving Along in the New Year...

Well! New year, yet with a somewhat late post ^_^; Still moving forward with Hybrid. All the main Hybrids are designed and ready with just a few modifications still needed. The humans are proving to progress just a bit slower, but they're getting there. I've decided to cast some of my existing character designs in main and supporting roles. I wanted to explore some of these characters and this was a great foray to do it in. So, for the lead characters of Grayson Grant and his wife, Hallie Grant I chose these looks with a few modifications. Likewise, for their son, Lance Hunter Grant I chose the following design with one of the colonial females Tamsin illustrated beside him.

I'm pleased to note that the entire script is done and layout pages are complete except for two pages. Apart from that, I'm ready to charge forward. I'm still gunning for that May deadline of mine and I hope that I can make it happen!