Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Finally, A Page Is Complete!

It's taking me forever to get this work done. You would not believe! But, it's coming along, despite hardships ^^;

Yesterday, while skating in the park, I totally crashed and banged myself up fairly rough. My knees were damaged as well as my writing hand, but after a night's rest, I'm starting to come around. My hand is healing nicely and one of my knees is getting better, but the other is still extremely sore and I have to hobble about to get anywhere. Ah, but you take the good with bad. I'm still young and healthy and will heal just fine ^__~


With the spirit of determination, I finally managed to finish a page of my comic. TA-DA! One page out of twenty complete! This took quite a while because I drew and colored everything individually. So, it took an amazing amount of time to complete it, I'm afraid. Hopefully, though, the other pages won't take quite so long. At least, I really hope not. But, either way, I'll keep moving forward and giving it my best shot. I have to have this finished by the end of April, the latest, so I will do my best and give it everything I've got! Wish me luck and I hope you enjoy this teaser page ^__~

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