*stretches* Well, it took me a day and a half, but I finally finished the cover art for the Sweet Shoppe, issue #1! I am thrilled to have this completed and I'm very happy with the way that it turned out. Mint finally behaved and the pose came out and...well, here she is, gracing the cover of the very first issue of Sweet Shoppe, scheduled to make it's printed debut in May, 2010. ^__^
Mint is the very alluring, very sensual character in the story, yet at the same time, she's amazingly humble and refined and is so graceful that she would...NEVER pose like this for real! LOL! But, in the story, there's a scene where it makes complete and total sense. What's the scene? Well, I can't tell. ^_~ But, it'll be explained in the comic, for sure ^_^
Anyway, I really hope you enjoy this cover shot and, well, I think that's about it. This is the end of March and I'm happy that this is the last entry for this month. If all goes well, I should be able to maintain schedule and have this printed on time! WOOHOO! ...right now, though, it's back to work for me ^___~ See ya!
It's taking me forever to get this work done. You would not believe! But, it's coming along, despite hardships ^^;
Yesterday, while skating in the park, I totally crashed and banged myself up fairly rough. My knees were damaged as well as my writing hand, but after a night's rest, I'm starting to come around. My hand is healing nicely and one of my knees is getting better, but the other is still extremely sore and I have to hobble about to get anywhere. Ah, but you take the good with bad. I'm still young and healthy and will heal just fine ^__~
With the spirit of determination, I finally managed to finish a page of my comic. TA-DA! One page out of twenty complete! This took quite a while because I drew and colored everything individually. So, it took an amazing amount of time to complete it, I'm afraid. Hopefully, though, the other pages won't take quite so long. At least, I really hope not. But, either way, I'll keep moving forward and giving it my best shot. I have to have this finished by the end of April, the latest, so I will do my best and give it everything I've got! Wish me luck and I hope you enjoy this teaser page ^__~
Well, it's March and I'm still working away on the Sweet Shoppe, hoping to be finished before the end of April so I can have it printed in time for the convention. This morning I scanned in the first images for the book. Here's a little sneak peak at a WIP.It's not finished, yet, but it's coming along.Anyway, this is the Second Prince of Calico, Arjuna with his betrothed fiancee, Amarah, the Third Princess of Kitwa. This is a snippet of the first page of the first issue of Sweet Shoppe, slated to debut this May. The comic features 20 pages and I...haven't even finished one, yet ^^; BUT! I am getting somewhere with them. One page just needs coloring and two more need inks and then color. Little by little and step by step, that's the way! I just have to keep moving forward and I'll be alright! ^_^