Friday, December 22, 2006

The Birth of...

Well, here it is, my first of what I hope will be many posts for this, my BLOGSPOT! Hi, my name's Kitt Mouri. Welcome! I'll be posting art and whatever else I can get up here as soon as I figure out how to work this thing ^_~ For now, please "bookmark" or "favorite" me because I'd love to hear from you folks. Until next time, take care! ^.^

1 comment:

JC said...

Hello there, Miss Kitty. Congrats on launchin' a blogeroonie here. I shall be bookmarking.

Looking forward to seeing what you end up positing here. I like the Loanzah & Emilio pic-- esp. the line quality. Very pristine! It's not gonna be long before I start bugging u for renditions of my chars. I wonder how they'd look anthro???

"DECEPTION!" (I downloaded it. It's funnier every time.)