Well, the year is coming to a close, but I'm finally able to get some work done with the various stories I'm working on. Lately, I've been working quite a bit on an illustrated novel entitled, "Lion Paws". It'll be a series of inspirational romantic novels revolving around two families, the Ayeles and the Chickoas. The first in the series features the youngest member of the Ayele bunch, Adon. It also features one of my first published characters, Kichoro. I'm extremely excited about this series and can't wait for it to take off. Here are some images from production:
This is Kichoro, a young woman raising her young son. And the fella is Adon, a quiet carpenter.
And this is little Ja.
This is Oceanside Village, the town where everyone lives.
Here are costume designs for Adon, Kichoro and little Ja.
This is a costume design for Kichoro.
I'm hoping to have a teaser booklet out for this series come this summer. With any luck, I'll have it in time for my first convention of the season. Wish me luck!